
Elkandu Jargon

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  • ascend - (v) To attain an ascension.
  • ascension - (n) A method for a mage to greatly increase their power capacity.
  • angel - (n) An ascended magical being with innate holy powers.
  • artu - (n) A root used to make tea.
  • aura - (n) Colors around a person perceived by magic.
  • blink - (v) To teleport a short distance.
  • bond - (n) A more or less permanent connection between two beings.
  • calluv - (n) A type of grain grass.
  • channel - (v) To bring forth magical energy.
  • cherry - (n) 1. A giant tree found in northern Lezaria. 2. The fruit of this tree.
  • coronite - (n) A metallic substance that hinders divination magic.
  • demon - (n) An ascended magical being with innate unholy powers.
  • drenak - (n) A nut-bearing hardwood deciduous tree.
  • Elkandu - (n) A powerful, immortal mage.
  • ethereal - (n) The spiritual part of the universe. (adj) Existing in spiritual rather than physical form.
  • gate - (n) A permanent portal between two worlds.
  • ghost - (n) The spirit of a dead person trapped in the physical realm.
  • hanna - (n) A gold coin used on Lezaria.
  • hewdar - (n) A silver coin used on Lezaria.
  • hyesma - (n) A copper coin used on Lezaria.
  • imp - (n) A small demon.
  • jazma - (n) A magical yellow flower.
  • kabar - (n) A magical bird.
  • korlag - (n) A fruitcake made with drenak nuts and worfberries.
  • lern - (n) 1. A citrus tree. 2. The sour green fruit of this tree.
  • lernade - (n) A drink made from lern fruit.
  • lich - (n) A mage who became undead with their own magic.
  • lifeshine - (n) An herb with healing properties.
  • link - (v) To temporarily combine powers with another mage.
  • luminite - (n) A glowing yellow crystal with high capacity for magical energy.
  • mage - (n) General term for anyone with some magical ability.
  • mana - (n) Magical energy in its raw form.
  • mensch - (n) Someone who doesn't have magic. pl. mensch
  • metamorph - (n) A shapeshifting silvery-colored goo capable of assuming almost any form.
  • mibi - (n) A mage with very little magical aptitude.
  • nali - (n) A humanoid white tiger with dream magic. pl. nali
  • nightmare - (n) A winged demonic horse.
  • nexus - (n) A powerful magical device allowing teleportation to many places.
  • nirril - (n) A small, vampiric, winged bear-like animal native to Terra.
  • palistelli - (n) A shark-person. pl. palistelli
  • plane - (n) A large ethereal realm.
  • portal - (n) A magical doorway between two places.
  • probe - (v) To magically examine something in depth.
  • rahi - (n) A horse-person. pl. rahi
  • scry - (v) To magically view a distant place.
  • shaman - (n) A mage who can communicate with spirits.
  • shapeshifter - (n) A being capable of changing into a typically limited number of forms.
  • shield - (n) A form of magical protection. (v) To protect something magically.
  • skeleton - (n) The same thing as a zombie, but with less meat on its bones.
  • snow wolf - (n) A large wolf with white to gray coloration.
  • soul - (n) The spiritual component of a living being, released upon death.
  • soulfire - (n) A forbidden spell that damages the soul itself.
  • soulstone - (n) A device used to store a soul for later use.
  • spell - (n) A set of magical instructions to achieve a fixed result.
  • talent - (n) A broad type of magic of related abilities.
  • tebrite - (n) A dark mineral that absorbs light.
  • teleport - (v) To magically move from one place to another without crossing the intervening space.
  • tep - (v) To communicate telepathically. teps, tepped, tepping
  • tepper - (n) A touch-telepath with naturally white eyes.
  • travel - (v) To teleport a long distance, usually from one world to another.
  • undead - (adj) Biologically dead but animated by magic. (n) A being of this sort.
  • unicorn - (n) A magical horse-like creature with a horn on its head.
  • valiar - (n) A dolphin-person. pl. valiar
  • vampire - (n) A type of undead animated by Blood Magic.
  • ward - (n) A form of magical protection. (v) To protect something magically.
  • werewolf - (n) A wolf-person. pl. werewolves
  • windrider - (n) A person telepathically bonded with a large flying creature.
  • worfberry - (n) 1. A bush native to Lezaria. 2. The fruit of this bush. pl. worfberries
  • wreen - (n) A large, hairy creature similar to a yeti, with a long tail.
  • zephyl - (n) A sentient winged mammal native to Lezaria. pl. zephyli
  • zim'adar - (n) A plant with edible tubers.
  • zombie - (n) A corporeal undead animated by necromancy.

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